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Migrate data to Recruit

For customers with migration support added into their subscription, for the migration of candidate data

Updated over 2 weeks ago

Plan: Enterprise, Customers with migration support included in their subscription.
Role: AdminOwner

Our Migration team is happy to assist our customers in importing their existing candidate database into Spark Hire Recruit.

  • Migration support is an add-on feature available only to customers who have included it in their Spark Hire Recruit plan.

  • This support is specifically for transferring candidate data from your source systems to your Spark Hire Recruit plan.

💡 Tip: Learn how to Import candidates manually.

Prepare your data

  1. Create a CSV File (Excel spreadsheet) according to one of the following options:

    1. From scratch, according to the structure in the image, excluding the Resume row if you don't need to migrate CVs with your data.

    2. Using this template if you don't need to migrate CVs with your data.

    3. Using this template if you need to migrate CVs with your data.

    ⚠️ When using the templates, delete the first two sample rows.

  2. If you need to upload resumes for candidates, the file name for a specific candidate must be identical to the “CV File Name” field in the Excel spreadsheet + the correct file extension (eg, “CV Courtney Adams.docx")

  3. If you’d like to add additional custom fields that appear on the candidate’s activity log, you can add them to the table. Just make sure not to give them the same name as current fields.

  4. Send the file to Spark Hire’s Data migration team at (You can also send any questions you may have regarding migration to this email).

⚠️ Important: Pay close attention to the following points:

  • Use the field names as in the templates, do not to change them.

  • Be careful not to create duplicate fields or duplicate records.

  • Make sure you input the correct field type.

Have more questions? Contact us at

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